Monday, September 8, 2014

Bucket Lists and Good Ole' Home-cooking

I turned 60 years young last week. One item on my bucket list is to someday start my own blog. My oldest daughter (Tricia) has been after me for some time to do just this. So, today I begin and I’m giving it my best. This blog will have random stories, no themes, no chronological life story, no rhyme and no reason.
Here it goes . . . 
For those who know me, you know why I chose the title of my blog. I guarantee you I will not preach, discuss politics or make up any of my stories. For as long as I can remember I have always used the word guarantee in my speech. I have guaranteed everything under the sun. One of my brother-in-laws’ brought this to my - and everyone else’s -attention several years ago. I actually hadn’t realized I did this until he pointed it out. Not only do I guarantee everything, I also give percentages on everything I talk about – anywhere from 25% to 100%. I have no idea what the percentages I come up with are based on - and neither does anyone else. I guarantee you 95% of the time I am probably correct!  
I will tell funny stories on myself and sometimes a few sad stories. I have had my share of both, as we all have.  
Who am I?  
I am a pastor, teacher, inspirational speaker, wife, mother, sister, friend; lover of random acts of kindness, good books and meaningful movies that leave you with hope, and old TV shows like Andy of Mayberry and The Dick Van Dyke Show. My interests include: traveling, moon and star gazing, watching awesome West Texas sunsets and sitting around a fire with family and friends out at the family farm.
Why am I writing this?  
Not because I think I am a great writer and not because I think it will be life changing for someone – I write because I love to write. I have kept journals since I was a young girl. I write because it is enjoyable and good for my health. It relieves tension and stress; is relaxing and comforting.  
I guarantee you, at least 50% of the time, you will find it entertaining. :)

Well, I began this blog last week. Saturday was my big 60th birthday. I have dreaded it all year. But I don’t like the alternative – and – in all honesty, I had the best birthday ever. I celebrated with Tricia on Saturday by going to Lubbock and having lunch at La’ Madeline’s. Sunday was one of the best church services I can remember. Some of my family came up from Lubbock and surprised me. My brother Rod sang a beautiful, religious Elvis Presley song that everyone loved. Rod just keeps getting better and better. The 5th Sunday potluck that followed was delicious and wonderful. We have the best cooks in the world here in Kress. They cook like my mom and Nanny did. And anyone who ever ate my mom or Nanny’s cooking, knows it was the best!
I will never forget those Sunday after-church meals. My mom always cooked great meals, but Sunday’s were just a little more special. Just thinking about her roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy – and of course homemade rolls, salad and a homemade pie for dessert - makes my mouth water. My sisters can cook like my mom, but for whatever reason, I am just not as interested in it nor really that good. Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom would make my favorite meal for my birthday. And every year, I always asked for fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, homemade rolls and a homemade chocolate pie for dessert. Her pies could have won blue ribbons. Paula Deen has nothing on my mom!
My fondest memories of growing up, and as an adult, are centered around my mom’s cooking and all the family sitting around the living room table at our house on 22nd Street sharing meals. There were countless times that at least a dozen of us were sitting around, enjoying not only the Sunday special meals, the birthday meals and the fantastic holiday meals, but also the everyday meals. And that was just how many fit around our large dining room table. When we had more, others would sit at card tables or in the kitchen. So much love was put into mom preparing these meals for her family.  
It saddens me to see how so many families no longer sit down and share a meal together. I know we live in a very busy time; with work, school, sports, meetings. We pick up fast food and eat on the run - and usually by ourselves. I miss the good ole’ days. It is hard just cooking for one or sometimes two folks. It just seems easier to go out to eat and not have to clean up. But it never tastes as good as homemade cooking. Maybe when I retire, I will cook more. Maybe with lots of practice I will be able to make homemade rolls and homemade pies. I am sure my husband would love that. I do know that when I cook for holidays, I feel the presence of my mom and Nanny with me. It is such a warm, happy feeling.  
I think I will end now because I have made myself hungry.  
Until next week, bon appétit!
